Strings and Hammers for Fingers and Nails
ALCD 002
Music for three pianists
Lokomotiv Konkret
A Voice Still Heard
ALCD 003 Improvised and melodies
Söderberg Åberg
Contemporary Lute
ALCD 004
Cage Stockhausen Reich
Sten Sandell
Music from a Waterhole
ALCD 005
Keybords and percussion
Rikard Wolff
ALCD 006
French chansons
Paul Pignon Ray Strid
Far From Equilibrium
ALCD 007
Reeds and percussion
Schola Buccina
Trombone Ensemble
ALCD 008
On authentic instruments
The Heathens
ALCD 009
Swedish folkmusic
Amando & Desiando
ALCD 010
16th cent. Spain and Italy
Kristine Scholz
ALCD 011
Contemporary piano music
Johan Petri
I Fear This War
ALCD 012
Improvised and songs
Chrispell, Jormin, Strid
Spring tour 1994
ALCD 013
Improvised music
Lars Forssell
Jag har två sidor
ALCD 014
Sung by Ewa Fröling
Jan Levander
Trio and 10-piece band
ALCD 015
Contemporary Swedish jazz
Saint Colombe
Concerts a deux violes
ALCD 016
17th century gamba
I'vo piangendo
ALCD 017
17th century Italy
Stig Larsson
Dror Feiler
ALCD 018
Poetry and music
Eva Ström
Akos Rosmann
ALCD 019
Poetry and music
Claude Loyola Allgén
ALCD 020
Mats Persson - piano
Low Dynamic Orchestra
ALCD 021
Impro and compositions
Albert de Rippe
Fantasies & Chansons
ALCD 022
17th century lute music
Birgitta Lillpers
Lars Sandberg
ALCD 023
Morton Feldman
Complete works...
ALCD 024
...for two pianists
Jörgen Gassilewski
ALCD 025
Low Dynamic Orchestra
Stefano Scodanibbio
ALCD 026
Cage, Cardew and impro
Lena Susanne Norin
Le secret des muses
ALCD 027
17th century songs
Söderberg Peters
On the carpet of leaves
ALCD 028
Lute and Electronics
Petri Nordesson
ALCD 029